Who We Are
The #Imagine network was initiated in 2013 by a group of teenage ministry leaders in order to discuss and develop relevant teenage ministry models. Since then the network has grown to a national movement that consists of hundreds of churches across different denominations and cultural backgrounds all across South Africa.

Our Story
In 2016 the network registered a non–profit company, the Imagine Youth Movement, as the legal entity for the projects and programmes within the movement. A board of directors, consisting of ministry leaders within the movement, provide strategic and organisational leadership. The board of directors are all full–time ministry leaders, providing leadership to #Imagine as volunteers. Since we started out as a network organisation, many of the projects and programmes are hosted by other legal entities, with oversight from the national executive committee.
What we hope to achieve
We want to inspire and equip teenagers to:
... imagine new possibilities for their own lives, their communities and South Africa
... cultivate a Christ-centred identity connected to a local church community
... take action to make South Africa better
We want to assist churches to develop teenage ministry paradigms that empower and involve teenagers in church life and mission involvement. We want to be a reconciling influence in South Africa, bringing people from different communities, churches, races, cultural backgrounds and income classes together.
Our Credo
We are the Imagine Generation. We believe in tomorrow because Jesus renews. We dream of peace because God is love. We commit to change because the Spirit moves. We are the church of today, the leaders of tomorrow.